Monday, December 30, 2013

14 Inspirational Quotes for 2014

The New Year is upon us! Below is an article we like outlining some great quotes to give your inspiration a jump start in 2014. Enjoy!

I used to hate inspirational quotes, maybe because my wrestling coach used to say, "If you're not puking or passing out... you're not trying hard enough." (Go ahead: bask in the warm glow of that little gem.)
Now I think inspirational quotes can indeed be inspirational--but only if we actually apply and live those words.
So instead of just grabbing famous quotes we've all heard before, I've picked things people told me that caused me to act differently. I probably won't remember what, say, Ben Franklin once said, no matter how poignant or witty--but I definitely remember what certain people said to me at critical moments in my life:
1. "Only a genius can do things his own way. You? You're no genius."
I worked a construction job one summer and kept questioning what I was told to do. The foreman finally, in no uncertain terms, set me straight.
It's okay to reinvent the wheel... but only after you know how the current wheel works.
Never assume you know better when you don't really know anything.
2. "If you want to know how much you'll be missed when you are gone, put your finger in a bucket of water and then remove it. The hole that's left will be how much you are missed."
No one is irreplaceable. No one. Not even this guy.
Instead of depressing, the thought we're professionally replaceable is liberating. You may not leave a hole, but you can leave a mark on a person, a team, or a culture that lives on after you're gone.
You may not be missed but you can be remembered--in the best possible way.
3. "We all have limits. Almost no one reaches theirs. You definitely haven't."
You could swim faster if a shark was on your tail. You could run faster if your child was in danger. You could work harder if the payoff was truly exceptional.
What we think we can do is always--always--less than what we can do if we really, really try. We always have a little more in us.
Find your true limits and you may find that success is limitless.
4. "Unless you're the lead dog in the sled, the view never changes."
Following the crowd means living the same life as the crowd.
You don't want that.
5. "There are two types of pain you will go through in life: the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces while regret weights tons."
(Original to Jim Rohn.) The worst words you can say are, "I just wish I had..."
Push yourself to do what you hope to do... so you will never have to regret not having tried.
6. "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son."
(Gotta love Dean Wormer.) I haven't overcome the stupid part... but I'm trying.
7. "The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave but one."
(Original to Ernest Hemingway.) Think about easing into a cold ocean; every inch is excruciating. Dive in and it sucks big time... but then it's over.
It's even worse to turn away from what scares you because when you do, deep inside, a little piece of you withers and dies.
Dive in. It's never as cold, or as bad, as you think.
8. "Today's pain is tomorrow's power. The more you suffer today, the stronger you are tomorrow."
Self-pity is self-defeating. Tomorrow's success is based on today's discomfort. Plus willpower is like a muscle: the more you exercise it, the stronger your will gets.
And the easier it is to call on when dedication and persistence make all the difference.
9. "Bravery means finding something more important than fear."
Courage without meaning is just recklessness. Brave people aren't fearless; they've simply found something that matters more to them than the fear they're facing.
Say you're scared to start a business. Find a reason that has greater meaning than the fear: Your family's future, your desire to make a difference, or your dream of a more fulfilling life.
When you find a greater meaning you find the courage to overcome your fear.
10. "Do it or not. There is no try."
(Original Yoda, philosopher and avant-garde sentence constructor.) A boss once gave me what I thought was an impossible task. I said, "Okay... I'll try."
He explained that I would finish as long as I didn't quit. Trying didn't enter into it. Persistence was all that mattered.
Often we say, "I'll try..." because it gives us an out. Once we say, "I will," our perspective changes. What previously seemed insurmountable is no longer a matter of luck or chance but of time and effort and persistence.
When what you want to do really matters, never say, "I'll try." Say, "I will," and keep that promise to yourself.
11. "Stop waiting for the 'right time.' Success is a numbers game: the number of times you take a shot."
You'll never create the perfect business plan, never find the perfect partners, the perfect market, the perfect location... but you can find the perfect time to start.
That time is now.
Talent, experience, and connections are important... but put your all into enough new things and some will work. Take enough shots... and over time you'll grow more skilled, more experienced, and more connected... and that will mean a greater percentage of your efforts will succeed. Take enough shots, learn from what didn't work, and in time you'll have all the skills, experience, and connections you need.
Ultimately success is all about taking your shot, over and over again. Sometimes you may win, sometimes you will definitely lose... but the more things you try the more chances you have of succeeding.
Put the power of numbers on your side. Take as many shots as you can. There's no guarantee of success... but when you don't take a shot, there's a definite guarantee of failure.
12. "Resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other guy to die."
The same holds for bitterness. And jealousy. And dislike.
Let it go. If you don't, the only loser is you.
13. "The extra mile is a vast, unpopulated wasteland."
(Me.) Everyone says they go the extra mile, but almost no one actually does. Most people think, "Wait... no one else is here... why am I doing this?"
That's why the extra mile is such a lonely place. That's also why the extra mile is a place filled with opportunities.
Be early. Stay late. Make the extra phone call. Send the extra email. Do the extra research. Help a customer unload or unpack a shipment. Don't wait to be asked; offer.
Every time you do something, think of one extra thing you can do--especially if other people aren't doing that one thing. Sure, it's hard.
But that's what will make you different--and over time will make you incredibly successful.
14. "It's just a flesh wound."
Neither should we.

Friday, December 27, 2013

How to Make the Most of the Holidays!

Once again it's the holidays. Halloween is done, Thanksgivukkah hits this weekend and then it's on to Xmas, Kwanza and of course New Year's. If you are not careful the whole month can be a useless bunch of distractions and parties that disrupt business and take things off track.
It doesn't have to be this way.  With some prior consideration the holidays can actually be a very productive time. Use these 6 tips to make the holiday season your most powerful time of the year.
1. Get caught up on projects.
The holiday season brings a number of days that are useless for business, offering some much needed down time. Some days will end early and others will have offices closed.  You can use this time to catch up on projects, reorganize your work environment or even set out some strategic planning. Sit down this week and look at the calendar so you can plan to make the most of every extra hour.
2. Reach out to long forgotten contacts.
Most everyone has people in their contact list they have been meaning to talk to but just couldn't get around to calling.  Eventually you feel embarrassed for not reaching out or following up. The holidays are the perfect opportunity to make contact with those you forgot or abandoned. A simple note, call or email in the spirit of the holidays will allow you to ask forgiveness and restart the relationship on a cheerful holiday note. If serious neglect was evident, try sending a good bottle of wine with your apology.
3. Save on much-needed equipment.
Ready for some new computers or equipment? Black Friday is not just for consumers. Companies can also get great savings on electronics and other office needs. Take stock of your current office inventory and hit the sales. You can get in some last minute tax breaks and get the business fully equipped for the New Year.
4. Refocus your strategy.
The end of the year is a great time to reassess your current business plan. As the books come to a close, it's a great time to gather everyone together and evaluate the year. Most people are in an end-of-year, reflective state of mind so take advantage by asking them to write down a few thoughts. Then you can use a slow afternoon to have a group discussion about your preferred future. Take notes and be ready to implement some change in the coming year.
5. See everyone you want to see.
The holiday season means lots of parties and gatherings. This means many of the people you need to see will be conveniently gathered in the same place. Don't miss out. Go engage with the people with whom you need to network and have fun doing it. If they aren't scheduled to be where you want them, host your own holiday lunch or party so you can get in some quality face time.
6. Show people your creativity.
Holiday greetings are nice, and many include an extra "Happy Holidays" in their email signature. But this is actually a great opportunity to show valued people that they are important to you. Go that extra step.  Create a fun video, card or gift that shows you are willing to give thought and effort to make people feel worthy and important. Who knows, it might be just the thing to close that deal or gain that extra opportunity.

Welcome to Our Blog!

We are excited to announce the launch of our new company blog! Here you will be able to keep up on company events, announcements and news. We will also post here some of our favorite business and leadership articles. Hope you enjoy!